February 17th

I remember the day fairly well, considering I was only 3 years 3 months and a couple weeks old. Mom made me a fried egg sandwich then packed up my clothes before getting me into the car for my dad. Dad drove me out to “Aunt” Priscilla’s. She was mom’s best friend, second mom to me and mom to my best non-cousin friend, Leta as well as our oldest foster sister Lynn.

I didn’t know why the impromptu visit was happening, probably didn’t care either – I was three after all. I remember spending the night and the next day, dad coming out and talking to me under the huge tree in Priscilla’s front yard. Mom had had a baby. I was a big sister, like Lynn.

I don’t remember what I said or did after that. But since then I have had the most interesting relationship with Jean. And I am grateful for that and her.

Happy birthday, sister-boss!!

Love, your SMM&S
