So last month, I put a call out to the fans on Jean’s Facebook page. I had a secret project I was working on for Jean and I wanted her fans to help. The project was for a GISH (Greatest International Scavenger Hunt) item and when I saw it, I knew right away I was going to do this for Jean.
Them item was “There’s someone in your life that is far from you and is struggling with mental or physical health issues right now, and they could use a kindness prescription. Decorate a large jar and fill it with notes and drawings to provide an ongoing resource for support and love when they need it most.” Jean has been pretty pubic with her struggles and, even though she hasn’t talked about it recently, she has been struggling. So I told my GISH team that the item was mine & why. They all agreed I had to do it.
It wasn’t too hard to get a response. I had several fans (whom I am now referring to as “Super Fans” because they responded right away) message me. They all sent me words of encouragement for Jean. I got everything formatted and with our mom’s help, got them printed out along with the label for the jar.

I was really excited to find a template for the prescription label. Technically it was for custom memo pads, but it worked well. The “MOB Pharmacy” refers to Jean’s original “fan club”, The Mob of Irate Torch Wielding Fans.

And, of course, Dr. SMMS is me. (If you aren’t familiar with my title, it’s Social Media Minion & Sister).
I had to do touch ups to the lid paint (it was blue originally) before I could give it to Jean. Then she has a minor procedure done on her foot, so the timing wasn’t right until yesterday.

She started laughing, then read a few of the comments. She was grinning and her ego was feeling good when she was done. She said to say “THANK YOU” to those Super Fans (you know who you are). Oh and she said to tell you the weird hairdo is her cat ears.
So I’ll add my heartfelt thanks to the Super Fans as well. I had a lot of fun with this item for the hunt (as did mom).
Take care and stay safe. we’re all in this together!
Social Media Minion & Sister