Book 7 of Sons of Destiny
Thoughts from…
Note: These thoughts contain spoilers if you have not already read “The Flame.”
Saber & Kelly | Wolfer & Alys |
Dominor & Serina | Evanor & Mariel |
Trevan & Amara | Rydan & Rora |
Koranen & Danau | Morganen |
Saber: Ah, yes; another brother falls under the Curse of Eight. Danau seems to be a good choice for Koranen, since she’ll steady him and he’ll lighten her. Of course, it’s not been that much of a curse. Yes, horrible things have been happening, but great joys have also arisen from the Seer Draganna’s prophecies. When this all started, Saber couldn’t have possibly imagined the great changes that would be wrought in his family, his home, his island, and even his world. The only problem is, this next, final bride will come along at the same time as the greatest challenge their world has seen since the Shattering of Aiar. Somehow, he’ll have to protect his family without smothering them, and help guide them all into a bright new future.
Kelly: Hit them in their gut, and it only teaches people that violence begets violence. Hit them in their wallet, and that’s a bruise that’ll teach a much more painful, lasting lesson. Or so Kelly hopes. Between the two idiot Aquamancers and that Aian mage, the island’s monetary system will gain a much-needed influx of cash. Of course, it would be nicer if such measures weren’t necessary. And poor Teretha! Alas, not even Morganen could meddle with the immutable past. All they can do is head into the future with as much care and thought as can be mustered…and do it with their loved ones at their sides, supporting them all the way. With luck, Danau will be that support for Koranen, and he for her. Just as Saber has been for Kelly.
Wolfer: Good. Wolfer is glad for Koranen and Danau both. Now maybe Kor will stop trying to burn down the castle, and put all of that excess energy to better use. With Trevan distracted by the needs of the city, it’s been up to Wolfer and Evanor to try and keep up with replacing the chairs and other bits of furniture their seventhborn brother has ashed in the last year or so. From the sounds of it, Danau hasn’t had an easier life herself, so maybe the two of them will finally know contentment and happiness. That’s what Wolfer wants most for their growing family.
Alys: She hadn’t really been around the brothers when Koranen first tried courting one of the local girls, back in Corvis County; Alys had been busy dealing with her own problems at that point. She had heard her uncle gloating about his affinity for fire being the final blow to send the brothers into exile, but Alys is just glad he finally cantouch a woman safely. All of the Corvis brothers deserve their share of happiness…and from the sounds of it, this Danau woman definitely deserves her own share, too.
Dominor: Just a few more weeks…somewhere in there, the Gods will take pity on both him and his wife, and Serina will finally have her baby and return to normal…just a few more weeks, somewhere in there, and it’ll be all over…
Serina: Cranky, bloated, aching, tired, and—horror of horrors—she hasn’t been able to concentrate on her work for the last two weeks! WHY did she think getting pregnant was a good idea? Get this thing outta me now!
Evanor: About time! His second-youngest brother has been under a great strain for this last year. It’s about time Kor found his happiness. Danau is a bit more serious than Ev would have pictured for his seventhborn sibling, but then someone as fun-hearted as Koranen is a good contrast for someone like Danau. Kor will settle down, Danau will lighten up, and their family will be all the stronger with this newest pairing.
Mariel: There’s nothing wrong with either of them medically, save for maybe how the Gods have a quirky sense of humor in regards to their magic. Still, once Serina gives birth, Mariel plans on giving the newest happy couple in their family some advice on child-rearing. Particularly if this power-dampening thing of theirs only happens when they’re touching each other. Babies need to be treated with extra gentle care, and hiring a nurse might be the most practical solution for the two of them. Then again, if they can learn to neutralize each other thermally at a distance, such a step might not be necessary. Regardless, they will still need some advice on the obstacles they’ll most likely face.
Trevan: Danau will be a good addition to the family. She’s bright, dedicated, and just what his little brother needs. If Kor needs any pointers or reminders, Trev will be happy to oblige. Of course, it’s been a while since Trevan made love to anyone that short himself, and a woman that short paired with a man that tall does pose a few technical challenges. Hmm…he should “brush up” on such skills himself; all he has to do is sweet-talk his wife into shrinking herself a bit. The only question is, would it be smarter to keep silent as to why, and risk making her think he’s—eww—interested in Danau, or tell her outright he wants to do a little experimentation so that he can more properly advise his seventhborn sibling, and risk offending her Plains-raised sensibilities?
Amara: It’s a pity those two criminals are Aquamancers; if they weren’t, Amara would have happily chucked both Chana and Reuen into the bay. Quite happily. As it is, Kelly’s steep monetary fine was barely punishment enough. She’ll keep an eye on the two troublemakers, as a sort of subtle wedding-gift for her newest impending sister-in-law. One wrong twitch, and being Aquamancers won’t save them from a long swim.
Rydan: No. Absolutely not. Never. Never! He can’t. He just can’t do it.
Rora: Oh. My. That’s…quite an extreme measure to take. Really extreme. And yet…if it would end the way others keep hunting for her, trying to possess her and use her against her will…but it’s so…
Koranen: Finally! And it was every bit as mind-bogglingly fun as his brothers had all sworn it would be! Not just the sex—though that part was blissful beyond words—but all of it, all the aspects of lovemaking. Kissing, cuddling, sharing thoughts, chasing, being chased, and yes, even the arguing. Though they haven’t really argued enough for good make-up romping, which Trevan said could be a lot of fun—not that he intends to rely forever upon what his elder brother says! Koranen plans on doing as much investigating into the ways and means of courting one specific woman—his woman—as possible.
Unfortunately, his Destined bride is right about one thing: Menomon does need the two of them. Not just for the Desalinator, but for the ongoing safety of their city. Kor hopes he can get used to living underwater. There’s just one other problem. What’s-his-face, the man who jilted Danau. On the one hand, Koranen is heartily glad Danau isn’t married to or in love with anyone else. But on the other, Jiore was a jonja-sized ass, trashing Danau’s reputation like that. Kor will have to work very hard on restraining the impulse to “correct” the other man’s erroneous ways. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to be magnanimous; he gets to marry Danau, after all, and keep her all to himself for the rest of their days. Even if they have to live in Menomon, for the city’s sake.
Danau: She has never understood her cousin Reuen, and she never will. How could anyone be so jealous and so spiteful? Had Reuen and Chana’s tricks gone any farther, Ama-ti could have been seriously hurt by Koranen! That alone proves how immature and irresponsible her kinswoman is. When she gets back to the Aquamancy Guild, Danau is going to have a serious discussion with her fellow Guildmembers about suitable punitive measures. Reuen will never hold a position of responsibility or authority—nor earn the income to match—within the Guild. Chana won’t escape the public censure she deserves, either.
As for her own public censure…Danau agrees completely with Koranen. She plans on being disgustingly, publically, lovingly monogamous with her Destined husband. If the City Council has any problems with that, they can just deal with it. Together, she and Koranen are exactly what Menomon needs, two mages strong enough together to succeed Guardian Sheren if and when that venerable lady chooses to step down from her position. Danau just hopes that Koranen can tolerate living underwater. Or at least working underwater; there are parts of Menomon that stretch up near the surface, and it wouldn’t take much more effort to build a tower that stretches up above the waves…