Book 1 of Sons of Destiny
Thoughts from…
Note: These thoughts contain spoilers if you have not already read “The Sword.”
Saber: Well, now he’s done it. Fallen in love with an outworlder woman, married her, even chased her all the way to her original world and back, and now he’s stuck with her…and very happily at that, for Kelly loves him back. Saber isn’t quite too sure about this “Queen on weekends and holidays” thing, whatever a “holiday” is, but he does admit it’s nice not having to shoulder the responsibility for his family all on his own, anymore.
Of course, now he has other worries. Trevan was injured, Dominor was kidnapped, and Morganen’s Up To Something. But since Trevan is healing, and Morg is supposed to be Up To Something thanks to that irritating Prophecy, all he has to do now is love his wife and worry over Dominor’s safety. And the fact that they still don’t know who had been sending that plague of nasty magical beasts at his family… But the future does look slightly brighter, even if they’re still all in exile.
Kelly: Well, now she’s done it. Fallen in love and decided to permanently stay in a world not her own, without television (no hardship there, as she never liked reality t.v.), without automobiles (these magical cart things don’t seem to pollute the atmosphere, so that’s a good thing, even if they really, really need suspension and rack-and-pinion steering), and without chocolate…no, wait, that’s a potential disaster. (Note to self, ask Hope to send several tons through the looking glass, stat!) In the meantime, she has her love for Saber to nibble upon, and that is proving to be a tasty thing indeed.
But, poor Trevan, injured by a Mandarite gun! At least he’s healing, but Kelly isn’t interested in using guns anymore if she can help it. And Dominor–what do they want with him, and what will happen to him? He might be a bit arrogant at times, but he’s her arrogant brother-in-law! The only one allowed to make him eat dirt is her, dangit! Just when she thinks she’s gotten her new home civilized and somewhat organized, someone comes along to spoil it…
Wolfer: If only he had those miserable excuses for men in his hands! Wolfer doesn’t like anyone hurting or kidnapping his family. He might have learned how to master his temper, but there are some situations where it should be righteously unleashed. In the meantime, all he can do is pray and keep himself calm.
Dominor: Drugged, kidnapped, and hauled away by the sneaky, underhanded, misogynistic Mandarites, Dominor’s fate is now unknown…
Evanor: Distraught over his twin’s kidnapping, unhappy that he had to choose healing a badly injured Trevan from the unknown dangers of a gun-wound over figuring out a way to rescue his own twin, Evanor is focusing all of his energies on helping his next-youngest sibling heal from that nasty Mandarite weapon. In his spare time, he Sings to Dominor, in the hopes his kidnapped twin can hear him…but Dominor is either drugged or enspelled to not reply–surely Dom would respond, if he could only sing out Evanor’s name? Struggling with his anxiety, Evanor quietly prays for his twin to be alright…
Trevan: Gun-things hurt. Even if his brothers managed to patch him up fairly quickly, Trevan is upset that he was so easily thwarted when he tried to rescue Dominor from those Mandarite scum. He knows he’s not the fighter that his eldest siblings are–he’s a lover, not a warrior–but still, he should have been able to do something to stop that ship from sailing away. But when he shapeshifts, casting magic is difficult; he’s much more effective in human form…and the moment he changed into a man, the Mandarites had shot him. His only consolation is that the Mandarites are desperate for male mages; they might have kidnapped Dom, but they wouldn’t hurt him…hopefully.
Rydan: If he had been there, if he had been awake, the Mandarites would not have escaped. His twin would not have been injured. His brother would not have been kidnapped. But…Destiny is unraveling its tapestry-weave, and the threads are flailing about, snatching up his brothers and dragging them to their Prophecied Fate. How much longer, now that his eldest brother has succumbed to his own Destiny, until it is Rydan’s turn to fall, and have everything he has built up in his life crumble into ruins?
Koranen: If only the stupid Council hadn’t exiled them here without a boat to travel in! If only he had been there on the beach when the Mandarites sailed away! He was more than powerful enough to burn the ship, if it was in his line of sight–and controlled enough to spare his sibling from the wrath of his powers, if he knew roughly where Dominor was located…but he had been up at the palace with the others during Dom’s little trade. Exchanging some salt and his thirdborn brother for some barrels of the rare comsworg oil wasn’t a fair trade at all, in his opinion. Things couldn’t be any worse…
Morganen: Things couldn’t be going better! Well, aside from Trevan being injured, that is. Morg wouldn’t have voluntarily wished that on any of his brothers. But other than that, everything is now finally being set into motion. Saber has finally succumbed to love, fulfilling his verse of the Song of the Sons of Destiny. Kelly is an excellent match for him, too. Now it’s time to set in motion the downfall of strong, proud Wolfer. Of course, his particular Destiny had been arranged years ago, but Morg isn’t going to tell him that. It’s simply time, and past time, for a certain someone to escape her current unhappy fate and come join the brothers on Nightfall Isle. He’ll keep an eye on Dominor, too, of course; each of his brothers has a Destiny to fulfill, after all.
Including Morganen. There is that otherworld friend of Kelly’s, after all, that woman named Hope…