Book 4 of Sons of Destiny
Eight brothers, born in four sets of twins, two years apart to the day—they fulfill the Curse of Eight Prophecy. To avoid tempting their destiny, the brothers are exiled to Nightfall Island , where women are forbidden. This presents a challenge for the brother whose magic has been destroyed…
Evanor, fourth-born of the Sons of Destiny, lost his voice—and with it, his powers—in the violent battle that freed his family from their greatest enemy. Thankfully, with the safe return of his twin, Evanor now knows precisely who can bring his songs back to life.
She is the enchanting widow Mariel, a Healer brought to Nightfall to help the brothers in their hour of need. For Mariel and her young son, that means leaving their beloved homeland for the unfamiliar island of Nightfall and its still-forbidden shores…and with it, risking the passion she stirs in her intriguing patient’s heart.
But a new danger looms when the Council of Katan learn there might be women on the Isle…
“You may interact with me any way you desire…”
Name: Evanor of Corvis
Age: 27
Height: 5’11” (180.3cm)
Weight: 174 lbs (79kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light Blond, Straight, Chest Length
Build: Fit But Slender
Lineage: Fourth-born of Lord Saveno, Count of Corvis, and Lady Annia, Countess of Corvis (formerly of Traxon), stripped of birthright at age 24 upon proclamation of exile by the King of Katan and his Council of Mages.
Twin: Dominor, elder
Speciality: Voice magic, singing spells, music, textile arts such as weaving and sewing, and housekeeping/organizational skills. Of course, trying to keep clean a sprawling building filled with seven other bachelors is a monumental task, which he hasn’t exactly felt motivated to undertake thoroughly, of late… Evanor also serves as the communications expert in the family; just sing out his name, and he will hear it and speak with you, wherever you are on the island.
Personality: Gentle, thoughtful, and by preference kind, Evanor is a homebody at heart. He wants a woman of his own, a family of his own, and a life that is full of the everyday sort of excitement, rather than the spectacular challenges his twin often seeks. Content to let Saber lead; Evanor manages the roster of chores for everyone…when he can get them to pay attention to it.
“Oh, sweet Natua, give me strength, he’s so Gods-be-damned sexy!”
Name: Mariel Vargel nii Milon
Age: 29
Height: 5’0″ (152.5cm)
Weight: 175 lbs (81kg)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Light Brown, Curly, Shoulder-length
Build: Plump and Curvy
Lineage: Daughter of Sandia, an herb-healer, and Gidon, a farmer, from the eastern edge of Natallia. Widowed wife of Seer Milon of Koral-tai, mother of Mikor.
Speciality: Song Healing. Mariel was trained at the Sanitorium in Lombeza, a Healing College located in a city just across the Natallian border in the kingdom of Guchere. She is well-trained in herbal medicines and vocal magic as well as traditional medical spells.
Personality: Gentle, motherly, pragmatic, practical, somewhat earthy, and kind. She is afraid of heights, but moved to the Nunnery in the mountains of Koral-tai anyway at the insistence of her late husband, whom she loved very much. She has, however, been widowed for two years now, and is ready to consider the possibility of opening her heart and her life to someone new. Provided, of course, that they’re willing to accept both her and her son. When she isn’t healing someone—or looking after her sometimes absent-minded best friend, Serina—she is either overseeing her son’s education, or tending to her many medicinal plants.